Africa Job Search

Fraud Alert

There is an increasing number of fake job offers soliciting fees from applicants circulating on the Internet. Below are some tips to stay away from fraud.
Please note that All Africa Jobs makes all attempts to ensure the authenticity of each job vacancy published on the All Africa Jobs site, and that All Africa Jobs does not allow advertisers to charge any fees to applicants. Please report any violations to us.
What are some warning signs of a potential scam?
  • You have been offered a job without being interviewed.
  • You are being asked to send or transfer money.
  • You are being asked to pay fees for things such as housing accommodations, legal documents, visa applications, or otherwise.
  • You are being asked to provide sensitive information such as bank account, social security, or identification numbers.
How you can determine if a job offer is a fake?
  • Search the Anti Fraud International site to see if a similar scam has been reported before.
  • Confirm that the email address being used by the person communicating with you matches the name of the organization.
  • Contact the organization through their official website, under the “Contact Us” section in order to get confirmation that it is a valid job offer.
What you can do if you believe you have been the victim of a scam?
  • Scams can be reported to local authorities. In the U.S, complaints can be filed with The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
  • Share your story here so that others can stay informed on fraudulent activity.

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