Africa Job Search


Application Deadline :11-Nov-11


The UN Country Team (UNCT) in Uganda is supporting the Government in Uganda in addressing key development challenges based on the UN Development Assistance Framework and the Government of Uganda's five year National Development Plan.  In line with UN Reforms, the Resident Coordinator's Office (RCO) supports full coordination within the UNCT by promoting collaboration through joint programming including a Joint Programming on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment.
A partnership between FAO, ILO, UNCDF, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNAIDS, WHO, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, OHCHR and UN Women  in Uganda in close collaboration  with the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development, other relevant sector/line ministries and civil society have resulted in the development of the joint programming.   UN WOMEN has been appointed as the coordinating Agency for the joint programme on Gender.
The joint programming in Uganda strives to increase women's access to sustainable livelihoods and gainful employment; reduction in gender-based violence and increase in women's access to justice; improved public participation in policies, systems and strategies for gender equality; reduction in gender gap in MDGs related programmes; enhanced capacity of the national gender machineries; and comprehensive and coherent support by the UN to the government.
The joint programmes will play an important role in bringing the resources and expertise of the UNCT to bear on the delivery of the above mentioned outputs in a harmonized, aligned and coordinated manner.  The Joint Programme Coordinator will have an important role to play in ensuring that the programme is implemented in a timely manner, continues to enjoy full ownership and buy-in by all Government, civil society and UN partners, and fulfill their potential for creating a model that can expand and serve as a foundation for significant progress toward the achievement of UNDAF outcomes.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Joint Programme Coordinator, under the supervision of the UN Women Country Programme Manager in Uganda, will play a lead role coordinating the delivery of the joint programme. 
The Coordinator will undertake the following responsibilities: 
  1. Planning coordination
  2. Implementation coordination
  3. Capacity building
  4. Outputs related internal and external communication and advocacy
  5. Resource mobilization
  6. Monitoring and evaluation and reporting
  7. Knowledge management
  8. Staff management
  9. Other duties as required
Planning coordination:
  • Take initiative in and facilitate and support the Gender Programme Working Group/Gender Team and agencies and partners in the preparation of annual work plans, budgets and results frameworks for the joint programme;
  • Consolidate the Work Plans and the Annual Budget and present them to the Core Management Team for revision and approval.
Implementation coordination:
  • Ensure that all partners work together to deliver the programme, in compliance with the work plan;
  • Design and lead coordination mechanisms in full consultation with the Core Management Team and all partners;
  • Advise the Core Management Team and the Coordinating Agency on the implementation of the joint programme and make recommendations on both substantive and financial issues, including budget revisions;
  • Provide secretariat services for the Core Management Team and follow up on the decisions taken;
  • Help establish working level coordination mechanisms, including at the government level and civil society partners;
  • Generate synergies between different outcomes;
  • Facilitate the delivery of the joint programme by leading & promoting a coordinated approach to delivery;
  • Support all partners' implementation of the programme through direct assistance to the and technical/operational advice;
  • Ensure clear, consistent and transparent communication among all partners;
  • Facilitate resolution of disputes among partners and troubleshoot obstacles to timely implementation;
  • Lead the process of managing financial resources for achieving results in line with the outputs and activities outlined in the joint programme document and annual work plan;
  • Manage delivery of results by using best practice and know-how and accordingly plan delivery of resources;
  • Prepare quarterly (for internal purposes), and half yearly and annual progress reports (for sharing with the UNCT, Joint Programme Steering Group, Government and others) and organize, correspondingly quarterly and annual progress reviews;
  • Organize meetings of the Steering Committee and the Core Management Team and, as required, support the and backstop the Output Leads on specific outputs;
  • Support establishment of participatory governance and decision-making system with all partners;
  • Lead by practice an enabling environment for high level performance of all partners in meeting the benchmarks established in the joint programme document.
Capacity building:
  • Promote national ownership by supporting the government in its guiding role within the joint programme and strengthen the government's capacity to fulfil this role;
  • Facilitate a strong focus on capacity development in all joint programme activities, taking into consideration the need of the government, non-government, local authorities and other development partners;
  • Promote the capacity development approach developed by UN partners and, in consultation with the Government, civil society and UN partners, implement transfer of know-how through training and learning events;
  • Support the joint programme capacity building efforts for the government, local authorities and other counterparts;
  • Document the experience of capacity development initiatives and lessons learned;
  • Monitor and review regularly the achievements of capacity development initiatives and ensure follow-up support.
Communication and advocacy:
  • Establish and facilitate implementation of the communications and public information plan in coordination with UN agencies, the government and civil society;
  • Identify partnerships with media and others to increase the impact through greater visibility;
  • Leverage programme outputs through advocacy to create broader, systemic change leading to the realisation of gender equality;
  • Support development and implementation of a communication strategy for the joint programme;
  • Prepare brochures, publications, press releases regarding the joint programme;
  • Expand outreach to the UN, national government, local authorities, private sector, non-government and international development organizations.
Resource mobilization:
  • Identify gaps in the programme, additional needs and unfunded potential for sustained engagement, and work with partners to mobilise resources accordingly;
  • Support networking and build working relations with Government, UN and donor partners;
  • Prepare together with the Core Management Team proposals for mobilization of human, technical or financial resources from international development organizations, non-government organizations and the private sector;
  • Support the UNCT and the Coordinating agency to mobilize resources to support and expand the achievement of the joint programme outputs and outcomes.
M&E and Reporting:
  • Prepare together with the Core Management Team and in consultation with all partners, results frameworks for each output and establish performance and impact assessment indicators and system;
  • Ensure the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation plan, in a participatory manner;
  • Ensure that corrective actions are taken as a result of M&E findings;
  • Ensure transparency of the M&E process by disseminating information to partners and relevant stakeholders;
  • Support partners in preparing contributions to, and compile narrative and financial reports for the programme and present them to the Core Management Team for approval, before they are sent to the Coordinating Agency and finally to the UNCT and the Steering Committee;
  • Play the lead role in preparing for quarterly reviews of the joint programme and in ensuring that the Coordinating Agency, the Administrative Agent, the UNCT and the Steering committee are fully informed of the progress including any challenges encountered;
  • Ensure together with the Core Management Team that the joint programme complies with all donor requirements, and that support and advice from partners are fully utilized;
  • Promote both downward and upward accountability in the joint programme;
  • Commission evaluation as per the agreed plan.
Knowledge Management
  • Support the Steering Committee and the Core Management Team in identifying good practices and lessons learned and documenting this knowledge;
  • Lead the process of knowledge creation and dissemination related to national and international know-how in the subject areas. In this context, partner with practitioners and members of the UN global networks and leadership of the practice and sub-practice teams in the partner UN entities;
  • Lead the analytical development work of the team and ensure high quality knowledge products;
  • Promote the substantive quality of all knowledge products, reports and services, and ensures effective integration and compatibility with other practice areas;
  • Contribute to the production of reports and publications, and serve as peer reviewer;
  • Forge links with other initiatives including joint programmes to identify good practices and share lessons.
Staff and consultancy management
  • Manage the joint programme staff and establish performance management system, based on UN results and competency assessment system, to monitor staff performance;
  • Provide strategic advice on a comprehensive exit strategy;
  • Prepare terms of references and serve as recruiting manager as required;
  • Manage consultants recruited for the joint programme.

  • Take on tasks as may arise or requested by the supervisor.


Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN's values and ethical standards, including those relating to ending sexual exploitation and abuse;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the UN in general and of UN WOMEN in particular;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Practices the principles of fair treatment and no harm.
Functional Competencies:
Knowledge Management and Learning
  • Ability to promote a knowledge sharing and learning culture in the office;
  • Good knowledge of current multi-sector development issues and gender equality and women's empowerment;
  • Capacity to provide policy advice;
  • Skill in advocacy and leveraging programming to promote broader lessons learned and policy change;
  • Ability to assess knowledge needs, prepare learning plan and guide the application of newly acquired skills.
Development and Operational Effectiveness
  • Commitment and skill in promoting national ownership of programming;
  • Ability to promote team work and shared ownership and commitment to a joint programme;
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
  • Ability to lead formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects, mobilize human and skills resources;
  • Good knowledge of results based management;
  • Ability to support others in workplanning, monitoring and review;
  • Very good financial skills to manage complex funding arrangements;
  • Ability to lead implementation of new systems for better coordination and delivery of work.
Coordination, Management and Leadership
  • Excellent demonstrated ability to coordinate inter-agency and multi-stakeholder programmes;
  • Demonstrated ability to focus on impact and result and to act on feedback;
  • Excellent demonstrated ability to leads inter-agency teams effectively and to resolve conflicts;
  • Constructive attitude and ability to approach work with positive energy;
  • Demonstrated strong oral and written communication ability;
  • Ability to build strong relationships within the UN and with external stakeholders;
  • Very good ability to stay calm, in control even under pressure;
  • Demonstrated openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
Substantive knowledge
  • Good substantive knowledge in any one of the following areas: gender mainstreaming in policy and legislation, multi-sector policy and programming response to gender based violence, public sector and governance reform and feminist economics;
  • Good knowledge of human rights based approaches.
  • Experience in designing and implementing joint programming or a joint project (if not a joint programme), preferably in a UNCT context;
  • Experience providing advisory services in the area of gender equality;
  • Experience coordinating programmes with multiple actors in an international context;
  • Proven management experience, preferably within one or more of the partner UN entities, with sound knowledge and experience in all aspects of project cycle (design, implementation, monitoring & evaluation) and project operations (including finance, procurement, reporting, and human resources);
  • Proven skills in effective resource mobilization and donor relations;
  • Proven experience in partnership building and networking;
  • Proven capacity to work under pressure, manage stress and adapt to rapidly evolving situations;
  • At least three years of supervisory and performance management skills;
  • Excellent documentation skills;
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment with sound understanding and capability to empower and develop the capacity of national counterparts;
  • Advanced user level computer skills and strong knowledge of various software including Excel, Power point and Word;

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in human rights or development studies or economics or public policy with a gender component (or if gender component is lacking, at least, five years of work on gender equality).
Work experience:
  • Minimum 7 years of relevant work experience in the area of development or governance or public policy of which at least five years of professional experience in programme/project management.
  • Fluency in English.

In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.
All applications must include (as an attachment) the completed UN Women Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded from

Kindly note that the system will only allow one attachment. Applications without the completed UN Women P-11 form will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment.

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