Africa Job Search


Application Deadline :02-Nov-11


The Government of Tanzania has just concluded her national portfolio formulation exercise which was a prerequisite for accessing GEF fund under GEF 5. Following this exercise, a number of priority projects ideas submitted to the GEF focal point for consideration were endorsed for further development and subsequent submission to the GEF secretariat. Among the project ideas agreed through UNDP are summarized below:
Project 1: Conservation of Water Catchment in Wami Ruvu Basin through Land Use Planning
Proponent: Ministry of Water
Focal area: Land degradation
Objective: The application of land use plan as a tool in managing basin catchment and riverside in order to regulate flow to Kidunda dam and protect from pollution through good practice of agriculture and reduce cost of water treatment.
Total allocation: US $ 1,800,000
Project 2: Enhanced Participatory Restoration of Degraded River Catchment  for Carbon Sequestration in Katuma River
Proponent: Ministry of Water
Focal area: Land degradation and climate Change
Objective: Main goal is to restore and develop the deteriorated catchment environment of the Katuma River Catchment at Mpanda district in Katavi region due to its importance on livelihood, wildlife in Katavi National Park and the environment.
Total allocation: US $ 1,000,000
Project 3: Enhancing forest conservation in Tanzania and highest priorities for forest biodiversity conservation
Proponent: MNRT
Focal area: Biodiversity
Objective: At the national level the project will provide additional tourism attraction for Tanzania and increase this share of tourist who visits forest areas. At the local level the project aims to fully establish a network of Nature Reserves in Tanzania within areas of critical forest biodiversity.
Total allocation: US $ 4,719,402
Project 4: Mainstreaming payment for watershed services in integrated sustainable land management in the East Usambara
Proponent: WWF, Ardhi University
Focal area: Land degradation
Objective: To improve Land management and increase by 30% the flow and quality of water for downstream water users in Tanga City through mainstreaming payment for ecosystem service for sustainable land management by 2017
Total allocation: US $ 1,310,000
Total allocation: US $ 8,829,402

Observation from the table above, show that project ideas 1, 2, and 4 falls under Land degradation focal area; with only one project supporting both Land degradation and climate change. UNDP and partners have discussed this outcome and agreed to combine the 3 projects ideas in order to create a substantial programme of work that could lead into more impact on the ground, building on synergy realized by bringing different institutions and actors to work together.
Objective of the consultancy
The objective of the consultancy is to develop two fully-fledged Project Identification Form (PIF) meeting the requirements of GEF for successful projects and responsive to the funding objectives for the respective thematic areas. Preparation of the PIFs will include consultation with proponents, the identification and use of secondary data for baseline analysis, identification of outcomes, outputs and indicative activities where possible. The consultant is also required to produce documents for requesting Project Preparation Grant (PPG) for the two Projects: one focusing on Biodiversity in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, and the second on Land Degradation and Climate change covering the areas identified in table 1 above.
In light of the fact that the preparation of the consolidated PIF on land degradation will integrate three different proposals from proponents in different areas, the consultant will also seek to identify, in consultation with the original proponents, a set of ideas or options for future effective management arrangement of the resulting project. Possibilities to explore would include Government and NGO implementation as well as geographical and partnership aspects. While the management arrangements do not require elaboration in the PIF, the consultant is expected to deliver initial recommendations in this regard to be presented to UNDP along with the PPG.

Duties and Responsibilities

The IC shall lead the project design process in close consultation with project proponents to ensure that the two projects are designed in such a way as to clearly address the GEF-5 objectives, outputs and indicators set forth in the focal areas of biodiversity and land degradation and climate change. A detailed guidance on GEF-5 focal areas strategy will be made available to the consultant through UNDP.
The consultant shall:
  • Document precisely threats to biodiversity, land degradation and climate change stemming from unsustainable land-use practices in the respective proposals.  Biodiversity threats to describe the impact on concrete species and habitats.
  • Document Land threats to indicate the impact on the loss of vegetation cover, forest loss, soil fertility loss, surface and ground water table disruptions.
  • Provide a brief synthesis information from existing reports, documents and practices on land management in Tanzania which will be used to construct the “baseline scenario” same for biodiversity, Climate change and Payments for Water shed Services (PWS)
  • Identification of barriers and opportunities to achieving global biodiversity, climate change and SLM benefits.
  • Identification of the socio-economic benefits of the proposed project; including description of risks and mitigation measures, the cost-effectiveness of the project, involvement of key stakeholders in the project’s activities
  • In consultation with project proponents, identify information on potential baseline funding including sources of co-finance for the projects
  • Determine the collaboration mechanisms for partnership building and institutional structures necessary for the coordination of the project
Output of the consultancy
Two Project Identification Forms (PIFs) and two Project Preparation Grant documents (PPGs) submitted to GEF Secretariat including addressing comments.
Work plan, deliverables and deadlines
This will be discussed and coordinated closely between the consultant and UNDP country office and the UNDP/GEF Regional coordination Unit in collaboration with project proponents (Ministry of water, WWF and Ardhi University). In this regard, expected deliverables are outlined below subject to discussion
  • Deliverable 1: Two draft Project Identification Forms (PIFs) and draft Project Preparation Grant (PPG) documents by 15th November 2011
  • Deliverable 2: Two final Project Idenification Forms (PIFs) and two Project Preparation Grant (PPG) documents ready for submission to the GEF Secretariat by 31st December 2011:
  • Total expected number of days for this assignment is estimated at 20 days. No field mission is required at this stage. Proponent will provide much of the required information to the consultant.
Supervision and reporting
The consultant will report to UNDP through the Team leader, Energy and Environment, and collaborate closely with project proponents (Ministry of Water, WWF and Ardhi University).

Terms and conditions for the provision of the consultancy services
The consultant will liaise closely with project proponents to coordinate the exact timing of his/her activities with them. The consultant will submit deliverables to UNDP. The consultant will adhere strictly to all deadlines agreed upon as per contract. The consultant shall conduct him/herself in a professional and ethical manner, and will ensure that none of his/her actions have an adverse effect on UNDP.
Payment terms for the consultancy:
The payment in two installments shall be made by UNDP to the consultant according to the following milestones:
  • 1st: Upon submission and acceptance of the final Project Identification Forms (PIF)
  • 2nd: Upon submission and acceptance of the final Project Preparation Grants (PPG)


Given the complex, technical and innovative nature of the proposed project ideas, the consultancy will require vast experience in working with government and non government partners. The assignment requires strong involvement in formulation of GEF/UNDP funded projects in the region. In addition to extensive experience with project development, the consultant should have the following competencies:
  • Strong research and analysis skills
  • Proven ability to plan, organize and effectively implement activities.
  • Ability to coordinate and work in teams, as well as in complex environments.
  • Proven experience in participatory processes, and in facilitating dialogue between Government, Development partners, private sector and civil society.
  • Strong communication and advocacy skills.
  • Understanding of GEF functioning and procedures.
  • Knowledge of U.N. implementation procedures and core values.
  • Previous experience with GEF funded projects formulation a distinct advantage.

Required Skills and Experience

  • At least Masters Degree or equivalent in environment and natural resources management, economics or natural sciences with experience in research, project planning, implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation coupled with vast knowledge and experience in Environment and Institution building
  • A minimum of ten (10) years of post-graduate professional experience in environment/sustainable development, with knowledge of the developing world preferably including East Africa.
  • Demonstrated expertise in natural resources management and climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies desirable
  • Substantive knowledge of UNDP/GEF programming tools for planning, monitoring, and general knowledge of the UNDP Practice Areas
  • Thorough understanding of the forest and biodiversity conservation issues including environment policies and governance systems in Tanzania desirable
  • Experience in providing policy advice on issues related to natural resources, land and water management.    
  • To Apply :

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